
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Friday Nights in SC

I love high school football. There is just something about being out on a Friday night with neighbors, friends and family yelling your heart out for your favorite high school team. For me, it is the GHS Eagles.
GHS Football GHS Football GHS Football GHS Football

Last night our local high school was out of town, so my husband I drove 15 miles up the road to see a smaller high school play for their regional championship. A very dear friend of ours calls the game for that small school. He is quite the entertainer during the game with his southern expressions and the nicknames he has for each player - i.e.Boomer, Tank. The building in the photo below is the players' locker room. Before the team comes on field, you can hear the players getting pumped up, yelling, chanting.
Small Town Football
The smallness of the stadium gives the illusion that you are right on the field and that the field is smaller. In fact, I questioned my husband about the distance from the goal line to the goal post. The distance seemed to be shorter but, of course, it is the same as any other football field.
Small Town Football\
The football experience is so different than our local high school games. All throughout the game, on both ends of the field, long, loud blasts of what sounds like a train whistle fills the stadium. Long ago the main employer in this town was a textile mill.I wonder if these are the whistles once blown as work shifts changed at the mills.
Small Town Football
After every touchdown, fireworks are exploded over the town's water tower, which happens to be next to the school's parking lot. At one time, a cannon blast would take place after each touchdown. For whatever reason, that no longer takes place.
Friday Nights Football
I really enjoy visiting this football stadium. Even the boiled peanuts are, fresh and not prebagged. Huge cups of peanuts cooked on site.
Refreshments at Small Town Football

Haven't mentioned cooking/baking lately. Made this delicious chocolate chip pound cake the other night. Lots of chocolate and lots of chips. It was consumed rather rapidly by my colleagues at school.
Chocolate Chip Cake Chocolate Chip Cake

I also have finished another baby hat, Coney. I found the pattern on Ravelry. I enjoy knitting these items and giving them away to friends and their little ones.
Coney Hat Coney Hat


Beth said...

I fondly remember football games, but I haven't been to one in a while. Your cake looks scrumptios and that hat is just too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Friday nights in the south were made for football!! Love the cake and the hat!