Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month
I added the title of my first entry for each month as well as the first sentence and then a favorite picture from that month.
January: New Year New Opportunities
2008 Amazing that 8 years ago the world was concerned with Y2K
February: Longing for Spring Swap Questionnaire
If you have been thinking about spring and love swaps, check out this swap.
March: Haekelbeutal AKA Crocheted Summer Bag For Me
Haekelbeutel is German for crocheted bag.
April: A Little Of Paint Makes A World of A Difference
Slowly....step by is coming together!
May: Bicycle Riding
For several years, Greenwood has been one of the hosts of the USA Crits Speedweek.
June: One of The Many Reasons Why I Love Summer
Home grown veggies.....
July: How About Those Georgia Dogs?
Not those Georgia dogs....
August: So Long, Matlock
On Monday I say goodbye, so long, see ya later gator to Matlock and hello to another year of middle school.
September: What's Up?
Nothing...absolutely nothing.
October: Welcomed Site, Ahhhh!
Driving home yesterday, my eyes gazed upon a welcomed sight.
November: Friday Nights in SC
I love high school football.
December: Felting Groove
For the past few weeks, it was been colder than normal in my part of the world.
Wonder what 2009 will bring?