
Monday, February 23, 2009

Where Does The Time Go?

I wish I could say I have been spending my time doing this....

Cambridge Trail

Exercising would be nice but nope! Haven't been doing that.

I wish I could say I have been spending my time doing this....

Hwy 25 North

Traveling would be nice but nope! Haven't been doing that either.

I wish I could say I have been spending my time doing this....

Sewing would be nice but nope! Haven't been doing that either.

I can say that I have been doing this.....

PizzaBlack Botton Pecan Cheesecake PieBlack Botton Pecan Cheesecake PieBlack Botton Pecan Cheesecake PieWashclothBaby BlanketDaffodils

Magnetic Message Board

Trying new recipes, knitting, crocheting, picking daffodils, and crafting. (magnetic message board for my office) Oh, yea....I have also been working at school.


Beth said...

Your cooking always look so delicious! Yum!

Theresa said...

OMG, you're killing me with the food pics.