High school football on Friday nights....
Trying to get back into menu planning ....
Making sweets for night time snacking...
Making quick trips to Greenville. (There isn't a decent bookstore in our town plus we just enjoy going to Greenville for the day.) Speaking of bookstore. The other day we were in Barnes and Noble and I noticed a new magazine. The title of the magazine caused me to pause for a moment and wonder.
Garden.....Gun.....the two words don't go together, do they? When I think of gardens, the thought of guns never cross my mind. I picked up the magazine and was pleasantly surprised. Garden and Gun is "about the sporting culture, food, music, art, literature, and people" in the south. I don't hunt but I do enjoy the southern culture which the magazine spotlights and it is published in Charleston (one of my favorite SC cities.) Guess one shouldn't judge a magazine by its cover.
And speaking of wondering....
Why do young people like to wear their tags? Hmmm...
How fast does one need to travel to clip a utility pole? Hmmm..
How do you entertain yourself while sitting in the car as the car is washed? Hmmm...
This is going to be a strange fall this year. This is the first time in many, many years where we will not be attending USC football games. The increase in ticket prices and the amount of time it eats up on a weekend convinced us to just stay home and watch them on TV. One exception - the doctor son is coming home for a short visit in September and we have tickets while he is home.
Project updates:
Baby Quilt
Knitted Baby Hat